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涂為霖牧師(Rev. William Thow),英國長老教會駐台宣教師,18801120日到臺,1894 624日在台南去世。茲錄台南教士會的紀念議錄及刊在《台灣府城教會報》上的「數念涂牧師白話字改為漢羅台文,如下:

Tainan Council Minutes, August 1, 1894. Revs. Campbell and Barclay; Mr.Ede.

 1. The Minute regarding Mr. Thow which was agreed to at last meeting is as follows;---in entering upon our minutes a note of the death of Mr. Thow, we desire at the same time to record our sense of the great loss which both as individuals and as a mission we have sustained in his removal from among us. Mr. Thow arrived in Formosa in November 1880, his term of service thus extending o thirteen-and-a-half years. None who laboured with him during that time, whether Chinese or Foreigner, could fail to be impressed with the entire single-heartedness of his character in relation to God and man; with his willing consecration to his Saviour, and his wholehearted devotion to the work to which from his youth he had given himself. While qualified by his gifts and attainments to undertake any part of our Mission work, his memory will probably be mostly associated with his self-denying labour in the country among our various congregations. There he visited with ceaseless diligence, often with much personal discomfort, performing among them with loving firmness the duties of a faithful Pastor, and longing and praying for the development in them of a higher type of Christian life and character. He laid much stress also on the duty of preaching the Gospel to the heathen, in which connection he prepared sheet tract on Saving Truth, which has already been distributed in tens of thousands throughout the Island. We desire to express our sympathy with his relatives in their sudden bereavement at a time when we were looking for many years of increasing usefulness from him. Especially do we sympathize with his Parents in this deep sorrow, asking for them at tis time the consolation of the God of all comfort, that they may find peace in looking back over the record of the noble life now ended, and looking forward in sure hope of a glorious resurrection.


數念涂牧師 編輯室


今仔日我接來這張公批,內中是講起涂牧師涂為霖,Rev.William Thow)過往e5情形。人聽見這號e5消息真thang憂悶,因為教會有失落1支手骨。今kohthang憂悶e5,是ti7這世間無koh thang看見先生e5面。想到伊ti7這二月間kapti7 chiakap講話,教示我e5言語,kapkap去探hhoe7兄弟,chiah e5事情,甚至到流目屎,無thang koh受先生這號e5痛疼。

總是我知先生平生有出力著磨服事主,無嫌厭,才今仔日咱e5主疼伊。先接納伊去得著hit號永遠無窮盡e5福氣。這時ti7e5身邊,ti7 hia享受平安快樂;m7使ko有嘴礁、枵、sian7 e5艱苦。因為伊已經離世間,因為主e5道理盡力跑走,來盡伊所應該行e5路站。Gau5審判e5ti7這時自然有賞賜伊義e5報賞,親像戴冕旒,這m7 beh賞賜伊,也beh賞賜凡若欣慕主顯明tu3e5人。 

今我若會盡本份,學先生做盡忠e5好模樣,主ti7 hit時也beh賞賜我ti7伊身邊相kap得著這齊備e5福氣,是我所teh向望e5 



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