楊貞惠(Jane Yang, 1937-2013) 略歷


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錄自 「楊貞惠女士告別禮拜」程序單。楊貞惠(Jane Yang, 1937-2013, 即 Mrs Sallie Chen Huiy Huang) 是楊昭璧(1908-1966)和李美治的次女,2013年1月6日去世。 

Jane Yang (1937- 2013)
Born in a small village of the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan, Jane majored in biology and graduated from the Tunghai University in Taiwan, a sister University of Oberlin College.
Jane married and lived with her family in Tokyo from 1962 to 1975, and became interested in Japanese culture such as flower arrangement, koto music and the history of Japan.
Immigrating to New York in 1975, she joined the Pan Pacific Woman's Association, under the umbrella of the United Nations, which helped broaden her scope of interest.
Traveling through European museums and the rich cultural environment of New York developed her understanding of the art and history of the United States. She studied computer programming at New York University and worked as a programmer at the Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn. During retirement, she researches the interrelated history of China, Japan and Taiwan and has published books and essays on that
subject in Chinese, Japanese and English.
In Pursuit of Freedom and Democracy, 2"d edition, 2002 ( English)
History of the development of American Arts Development, Co-author with Koji Itida, 1987
Biography of Dr. Chau- pi Yang, 1998 (also in English)
In Search of Historical Truth, 2003
History of Taiwan and Its Relation with China, 2003
Falsehood and Truth, 2004(Japanese and Chinese)
The Flawed Concept of'One Chinese', 2005 (in Japanese)
Taiwan is not part of China, 2005
Ten Year Old Hostage, 2007  

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