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李庥牧師 (Rev. Hugh Ritchie),於1867年12月13日抵台灣,1876年1月5日至1877年12月14日間休假回國,1879年9月29日在台南去世。 茲錄台南教士會的紀念議錄,如下:

Tainan Council Minutes, November 20, 1879. Revs. Barclay and Smith; Dr. Anderson; 1. Death of Mr. Ritchie at Taiwanfu on 29th September reported and an appreciative notice of him was read as follows: Mr. Ritchie arrived in China about the close of 1867 and thereafter for 8 years at Takow and after his return from furlough for nearly two years at Taiwanfu laboured earnestly and devotedly in forwarding the work of Christ in Formosa. His colleagues take this opportunity of expressing their admiration of the many noble qualities he displayed both in public and private life, and their gratitude to God for the work which He enabled him to accomplish in the Island.


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