Mr. Ng Tsok-pang 黃作邦


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By Rev. William Campbell. “Sketches From Formosa” p.371-372

 [Chinese characters added by LES] Ng Tsok-pang (黃作邦).,died at Toa-sia (大社) on 29th October, 1907

Mr. Ng Tsok-pang (黃作邦). He was a native of Toa-khe-chu(大溪厝) in the Ka-gi(嘉義)region, and lost both his parents when a very little boy. On one occasion he took seriously ill, and a fortune-teller (算命仙)advised him to come to our Hospital, where the Gospel was explained to him for the first time. This so touched his heart that he began attendance at the chapel for more instruction; a course in which he persevered till there was satisfactory evidence that his request for baptism had to be granted.

It was not long after that he was selected to become a student of our Theological College. He went through the full course, and in a way that made us very hopeful about him. We saw that he was a serious-minded young man; and we never heard him indulging in gossip, foolish jesting, or idle profitless talk; a feature which may have been partly owing to his weakly condition of health.

His college course was followed by short terms of service at three of our northern stations, and at them all his Sunday discourses and work among the young were much valued. When having intercourse with others, he was always sparing of his words, gentle and unsuspicious, although he could be uncompromisingly firm if called upon to be so. It was chiefly through him that our station in the market-town of Haw-law-tun (葫蘆墩/豐原) was opened. He paid many a visit to it from the Church he ministered to at Toa-sia(大社), and on 29th October, 1907, conducted the forenoon service there, on which occasion every one present saw the tenderness with which he spoke in beseeching his hearers to a sincere acceptance of Jesus as their Saviour. On returning to Toa-sia that day he retired to his room after the mid-day meal, began to vomit blood, and was immediately called away to Him with whom was all his salvation and all his desire.

Mr. Tsok-pang was a careful constant reader of the Bible, and his prayers had a rich spirituality about them. He was a brother beloved, and his character was a very gracious and helpful one.

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