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Tainan Council Memorial Minute.

October 11,1899 Revs. Campbell, Ferguson, and Nielson; Dr. Anderson. 1. Messrs. Campbell and Ferguson submitted a memorial minute on the death of pastor phwa which was approved and entered on the minute, as follow;

We have sorrowfully to record the death of the rev. Phwa Beng-tsu at Naau on 14th September,1899, aged 35. He was baptized and entered College when sixteen years of age. He manifested much ability as a student. At the age of twenty he left College, and did faithful work as Preacher in the following Churches: Kongana, Kapwaswa, Kalahpaw, Tangkang, and the Pescadores. In 1894, he was called to be Assistant Teacher of the New Middle School, in which work he contnued till the beginning of 1898. He did yeoman service in setting up the Presbytery of Tainan, in which he held office as Clark. On 3rd April,1898, he was ordained Pastor of Naau and the associated churches in the South. He was the first ordained Native Pastor in South Formosa. We hereby record our high appreciation of his scholarly abilities, his unfailing courtesy, his zeal as a Christian preacher and pastor, and the great loss the Church has sustained in his early removal.  


余饒理(George Ede)《台灣府城教會報》第178卷,19001

我近日tui3台灣接著一張憂悶e5批,就知平素所欣慕e5潘(明珠)牧師已經過往。論到潘牧師實在是我不得不著用全心來疼痛欣慕,尊敬伊親像我e5親兄一般lah。我也的確知ti7台灣眾教會kap基督徒無m7為著伊過往來傷悲。想潘牧師在生有濟濟好德行。伊e5存心時常的確beh chhoe7逐個機會來利益教會內外e5人。Koh伊好德行中間kai3顯明e5,就是誠心祈禱濟濟時;別人已經睏,伊iau2-ku2 teh祈禱。Che 代誌實在是芳芳thang chheng3到天頂,上帝定著歡喜接納,因為伊有hit號敬虔e5心lah。但是伊又koh時時專務學習上帝e5聖經,che法實在會kap上帝相thang,家己亦會得有才能氣力來幫助別人靈魂e5欠缺。所以無論甚mih人,若無時常祈禱勤勤讀聖經,就be7 tit thang號做上帝e5好奴僕lah。

論潘牧師做人,大概所做各項事,必定留神注心,正致到會成功。想伊ti7大學e5時,十分迫切讀冊,所以事事攏會贏過同伴。到伊做傳道先生e5時,真gau5感化人e5心,無論伊所到to2e5會堂,to攏得著濟人來聽真理。Koh勸人敬拜上帝kai3有好法度,又迫切勉勵人出力��幫贊聖會。當伊ti7中學做先生e5時,教冊十分出力hou7學生大得著利益;koh較要緊e5,愛引chhoa7學生緊緊歸耶穌。照我teh想,親像這號盡力e5赴事真正是難tit lah

當台南今才設大會e5時,伊十分盡力幫助,因為伊有大見識,所以有大功效,會得成就所設e5新法度。到大會選伊做牧師了後,功夫koh 較大勞煩,因為伊所著料理e59位會堂,獨獨伊無嫌艱苦,決意ai3盡伊e5本分。但是an2-nichiah e5所疼痛欣慕e5潘牧師堪hou7濟濟人尊敬,因為伊常常顯出溫柔謙遜e5模樣。Koh各事有親像咱代先所深疼e5涂牧師涂為霖,Rev. William Thow1880年來台,1894年死在台灣一般樣,也thang號做kap摩西像一類e5lah

不論什mih人若kap伊相bat的確o-lo2e5好品行,因為伊所行e5事堪做咱e5模樣lah。設使咱chiah e5專心倚靠上帝,也thang做有路用e5人,就kap潘牧師無各樣lah





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